Friendsday Wednesday- Matt Moore

Posted: February 9, 2011 in Friendsday Wednesday, Pictures

Happy Friendsday! Today’s bad drawing is by Matt Moore. Matt and I grew up together, and he’s always been one of the coolest guys I know. Check out his take on Gideon:

Matt and his wife, Brianna, have a dog named Nash. He’s the Area Director for Young Life in Longview, TX and also oversees their ministries in Hallsville, Pine Tree, and Spring Hill. To see what they’re up to, check out , or to learn more about YL’s work and ministry, go to

  1. Edwin Christian says:

    Very Good!!

  2. Matthew says:

    I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have help. Let’s just say I was more of the brains behind it and she was more of the art behind it. It was a collaboration to be fair.

  3. Jeff says:

    I love it… It does, however, look like Matt may have drawn it and let his wife write the text. If that is not the case then I apologize and have to say that you write like a girl :). My favorite panel is the one with Gideon holding a severed head!

  4. Jenni says:

    You are able to reveal the biblical lesson to your readers without alot of extras–it’s simple and the truth is visible; therefore, take it as a compliment 🙂

  5. Jenni says:

    Jared, I know Matt & Jeff are your friends, but I think you are the best at drawing badly!

  6. Ashley says:

    Very nice job, Matt!!!

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